What Flowers Do Moths Like? And Why Do They Seem to Prefer Moonlit Nights?

What Flowers Do Moths Like? And Why Do They Seem to Prefer Moonlit Nights?

Moths, often overshadowed by their more colorful cousins, the butterflies, are fascinating creatures with unique preferences when it comes to flowers. While butterflies are known for their love of bright, sunlit blooms, moths have a different approach. They are nocturnal creatures, and their flower preferences are deeply tied to their nighttime habits. But what exactly draws moths to certain flowers? And why do they seem to have a peculiar affinity for moonlit nights? Let’s explore this in detail.

The Allure of Night-Blooming Flowers

Moths are primarily nocturnal, which means they are most active during the night. This has led them to evolve a preference for flowers that bloom after the sun sets. These night-blooming flowers often have specific characteristics that make them particularly attractive to moths.

  1. Fragrance: One of the most significant factors that attract moths to flowers is their scent. Night-blooming flowers tend to emit strong, sweet fragrances that can travel long distances in the still night air. This is crucial for moths, as they rely heavily on their sense of smell to locate food sources in the dark. Flowers like jasmine, evening primrose, and night-scented stock are known for their intoxicating aromas that lure moths from afar.

  2. Color: While moths are not as visually oriented as butterflies, they are still attracted to certain colors. White or pale-colored flowers are particularly appealing to moths because they stand out in the moonlight. These colors are more visible in low-light conditions, making it easier for moths to find them. Flowers like moonflowers, white nicotiana, and night-blooming cereus are excellent examples of this.

  3. Nectar Accessibility: Moths have long proboscises (tongues) that allow them to reach nectar deep within flowers. Flowers that have tubular shapes or long corollas are well-suited for moths. This mutualistic relationship benefits both parties: the moth gets a nutritious meal, and the flower gets pollinated.

The Role of Moonlight in Moth Behavior

Moonlight plays a surprisingly significant role in the behavior of moths. While it might seem like a minor detail, the presence of moonlight can influence where and how moths forage for nectar.

  1. Navigation: Moths use the moon as a navigational tool. They have evolved to fly in a straight line by keeping the moon at a constant angle relative to their flight path. This behavior, known as transverse orientation, helps them maintain a steady course while searching for flowers. However, this can sometimes lead them astray, as artificial lights can confuse their navigation system, causing them to fly in circles around streetlights.

  2. Timing of Activity: The brightness of the moon can affect the activity levels of moths. On nights with a full moon, moths are more active and tend to travel greater distances in search of food. Conversely, on darker nights, their activity may be reduced. This is because the moonlight provides enough illumination for them to see and locate flowers more easily.

  3. Predator Avoidance: Moonlight also plays a role in helping moths avoid predators. The increased visibility allows them to spot potential threats more easily and take evasive action. This is particularly important for moths, as they are a common food source for bats, birds, and other nocturnal predators.

The Symbiotic Relationship Between Moths and Flowers

The relationship between moths and the flowers they pollinate is a classic example of mutualism, where both parties benefit. Moths get a source of food, and flowers get a reliable pollinator. This relationship has led to some fascinating evolutionary adaptations.

  1. Co-evolution: Over time, moths and night-blooming flowers have co-evolved to become highly specialized. Flowers have developed traits that make them more attractive to moths, such as strong scents and pale colors. In turn, moths have evolved longer proboscises to access the nectar in these flowers. This co-evolution ensures that both species continue to thrive.

  2. Pollination Efficiency: Moths are highly efficient pollinators, especially for night-blooming flowers. As they move from flower to flower in search of nectar, they inadvertently transfer pollen, facilitating cross-pollination. This is crucial for the genetic diversity and survival of many plant species.

  3. Niche Specialization: The specialization of moths for night-blooming flowers has allowed them to occupy a unique ecological niche. This reduces competition with other pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, which are active during the day. By focusing on nocturnal pollination, moths play a vital role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems.

The Impact of Environmental Changes on Moths and Their Preferred Flowers

Environmental changes, such as habitat loss, climate change, and light pollution, are having a significant impact on moths and the flowers they rely on.

  1. Habitat Loss: The destruction of natural habitats, particularly those that support night-blooming flowers, is a major threat to moths. As these habitats disappear, so do the flowers that moths depend on for food. This can lead to a decline in moth populations, which in turn affects the plants they pollinate.

  2. Climate Change: Climate change is altering the timing of flowering and the availability of nectar. If flowers bloom earlier or later than usual, it can disrupt the synchrony between moths and their food sources. This can have cascading effects on both moths and the plants they pollinate.

  3. Light Pollution: Artificial lighting is a growing concern for moths. Streetlights and other sources of artificial light can interfere with their navigation, leading them away from flowers and towards dangerous areas. Additionally, light pollution can disrupt their natural behaviors, such as mating and foraging, further threatening their survival.


Moths are remarkable creatures with a unique set of preferences when it comes to flowers. Their attraction to night-blooming flowers, with their strong scents and pale colors, is a testament to the intricate relationships that exist in nature. Moonlight plays a crucial role in guiding moths to these flowers, while also helping them navigate and avoid predators. However, environmental changes pose significant threats to both moths and the flowers they rely on. Understanding and preserving these relationships is essential for maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystems.

Q: Why are moths attracted to light if they are nocturnal? A: Moths are not actually attracted to light; rather, they use the moon as a navigational tool. Artificial lights can confuse their navigation system, causing them to fly in circles around the light source.

Q: Can moths see colors? A: Yes, moths can see colors, but their vision is adapted to low-light conditions. They are particularly sensitive to white and pale colors, which stand out in the moonlight.

Q: Do all moths pollinate flowers? A: Not all moths pollinate flowers, but many species do. Moths that feed on nectar are important pollinators, especially for night-blooming flowers.

Q: How do moths find flowers in the dark? A: Moths rely on their keen sense of smell to locate flowers in the dark. They are attracted to the strong, sweet fragrances emitted by night-blooming flowers.

Q: What can be done to help protect moths and their habitats? A: Reducing light pollution, preserving natural habitats, and planting night-blooming flowers in gardens are some ways to help protect moths and support their populations.